teeny SkySJBBs
Doing Good Deeds...While Spreading Seeds!

The Original Guys and Gals
The Original Guys , Bald with no headdress, except the golden floating halo, and are academics

The inhabitants of Og’s-land had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and were always eager to learn new things. Original Guys and Gals are floating all the Symbols of the other teeny SKYSJBBs, displaying all symbols that represent Unity, which makes them the “Gatekeeper.” The most powerful of them all, except the Light workers and Secret holders.
The Regal Gentlemen
With their distinguished presence and also from Regal-land, the Regal Gentlemen exuded an air of authority.

They are considered lucky with fashionable ensembles, crowns, and gemstones. The sigil, floating as a symbol, represents the gift of honesty and integrity, which means they can detect lies and make others tell the truth.
The Regal Ladies
The Regal Ladies from Regal-land were a civilization of sisterhood, bonded by their friendship and love.

They are elegantly adorned with tiaras and jewels of gold and diamonds, radiating grace and sophistication. Wearing a symbol, their Sigil represents the gift of wealth and prosperity.
The Diva Girls
Diva Girls from Divasland portrays an edgy and fun image, harnessing the power to inspire and uplift others.

Wearing a pendant with a symbol, the Sigil represents the gift of attraction and gravitation. We will use our power of gravity and attraction in the ecosystem to restore balance to those who need it. We will help those facing natural disasters.
The Trendy Guys
The Trendy Guys often changed their style.

They had a fresh taste for art, music, and fashion every new week. Under the ringed planet, Trendyland, bulging into their sky, the Trendy Guys performed shows, dancing with one another as they familiarized themselves with new colors, fabrics, and the new tune of the music.
The Hatsmen
From Hatsmenland, Hatsman Oscar’s appearance shifted subtly as he spoke. He shared, As Hatsmen, we can shapeshift, adapting to any situation or environment.

This allows us to contribute to the collective in various ways, ensuring our society remains flexible and resilient.” Because the Hatsmen worship the sun, they wear fabulous hats to protect their skin. Their floating symbol, the Sigil, represents the gift of Shapeshifting.
The Hatswomen
The Hatswomen lived in a magnificent palace, built from various marble colors, the most spectacular sight in Hatsmanland.

They could sense people’s emotions and actions before they even did them. Hatswoman Penelope, her eyes gleaming with wisdom, added, "And as Hatswomen, we have the unique ability to read minds. We use this power for the greater good, understanding the needs and desires of our fellow teeny SkySJBBs and working towards a collective vision.” The Hatswomen wear fabulous hat fashion and love beautiful things, including their pin
The SecretHolders
The Secret-Holders from Secretland were a society of wisdom and science.

The Secret-Holders were another particular kind of skyrocket, with bodies as dark as the night between stars. They had enormous marble libraries with spiral spires adorned with gargoyles and tinted glass, which would cast the sunlight in an array of colors across the shelves and shelves of scientific literature. The Secretholder Stefan and his fellow Secretholders discovered the power of creating miracles, which will help create miracles when the other teeny SkySJBBs need them.
The Lightworkers
The Lightworkers’ physical features were striking. With transparent bodies, they blended into their surroundings like droplets of water.

The Lightworkers lived off the land of their planet, Lightland. They farmed crops and lived in small cottages in the dewy, green meadow. They were spiritual beings who believed caring for their spiritual soul was just as important as caring for their physical well-being. Thus, they lived a holistic lifestyle, focusing on their mental and emotional health and ensuring they spent their days fulfilling their souls.


We have members from Switzerland, Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Ireland, Norway, Iceland, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Italy, France, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Spain, Portugal, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kuwait, Cuba, Hungary, Puerto Rico, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Bahamas, Japan, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Singapore, Qatar, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Slovenia, Belgium and the Netherlands. We invite everyone all over the world to enjoy our teenySkySJBBs Society Short Storylines Today!